Shahrukh Khan seems to be bitten by the Taare Zameen Par bug. Close on the heels of the success of Taare Zameen Par, Shahrukh Khan has announced his decision to make a movie on children. This will be reportedly the most expensive movie ever made on children. SRK made his announcement about making an adventure movie for kids with special effects that could cost his production company $ 25 million! Shahrukh Khan will also be acting in it.
SRK who has a penchant for fantasy movies, thrills and adventure is floating this movie that will actually be about a group of children who go on an adventure spree and then are faced by surprising turns of events that go against them. SRK is not leaving any stone unturned to make it as technically sound as Spiderman movies. The film will be directed by Anubhav Sinha, of Tum-Bin fame.
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